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Ensuring that university joint elective courses are opened in study programs. Activity plan for "Gender Equality Awareness training seminars. To contribute to the protection and development of mental health,. Senate Departments. Establishing information data networks on gender equality and receiving support from relevant units in this scope, 7. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.
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This Note argues that although all sexual favoritism in the workplace is harmful and should be regulated, the EEOC's Policy Guidance on. Men and women are two words that describe whether an individual is biologically female or male, as well as whether she or he fits into the society's role. SU Gender organizes an international webinar series focusing on sexual harassment, gender-based violence, diversity and inclusion inside and outside the. With the right and appropriate technical operations, we provide individualized treatments performed as soon as possible by the best experts in the country.To provide the necessary support to students in the determined risk group through individual and group counseling and psycho-training,. It organizes meetings, focus group studies, workshops, trainings, carries out campaigns, and carries out monitoring and reporting studies in order to ensure mainstreaming through channels. Gender Equality Masterclass: Boosting your organizational performance by advancing equal opportunities powered by SCORE Training This Gender Equality Masterclass is based on the belief that modern workplaces need to continuously adapt and improve to promote equal opportunities for men and women. To prepare information and educational materials for students about reproductive and sexual health. Examining the available data on the professional development processes and management positions of female personnel in the academic and administrative units of the university and eliminating shortcomings. We have recently updated the ILO website and are in the process of rebuilding a number of pages. Firstly, efforts were made to increase HIV awareness within the association by focusing on improving the capacities of other working areas and units within SPoD. You might encounter layout issues on pages as we work on them. Read Edit View history. Ensuring that activities that will raise awareness such as programs and workshops are carried out in cooperation with student group representatives and NGO representatives. To prepare information, training and communication materials on issues that cause addiction for students. Senate Departments. They will work out the best options and help you have the best experience with saketa and its product line. The Political Participation Unit, which had been operating as an important unit since the establishment of SPoD but had been inactive for a while, started operating again in Ensuring the interdisciplinary dissemination of undergraduate courses based on gender equality and human rights at the university. Senate General Secretary. These meetings, which are free and do not require an appointment, are facilitated by peer moderators who have received comprehensive training from the association and receive regular supervision. Customizations and Enhancements: Saketa has a team of technical experts that can advise a customer on the customizations and enhancement needs and implement it in a cost effective and efficient way. Carrying out activities that raise awareness of gender equality within the institution, 4. External links [ edit ]. Psychosocial support [ edit ]. It endeavours to meet the requirements of the Gender Equality Plan and reports the outcomes annually. Ensuring the work-life balance of the staff working in the academic, administrative and other units of the university in the context of gender equality. Establishing information data networks on gender equality and receiving support from relevant units in this scope, 7. The Article No. Social Services [ edit ]. Ensuring appointment and promotion processes by considering the equality of women and men according to knowledge and experience, Applying positive discrimination by approaching disadvantaged individuals and groups with a sense of institutional and social responsibility,. In this sense, on the condition that it does not call for violence and does not contain hate speech, gender equality is taken into account by prioritizing gender equality in freedom of expression. In addition, it can also make referrals to psychiatrists as a result of the evaluation. Archived from the original on 21 August Providing training to academic and administrative staff on care and parental leave Planning flexible working arrangements for parents with disabled children Sharing the leave granted to only one parent of a child with a disability between the parents in order to ensure gender equality Facilitating the performance evaluation criteria for female staff for the first three years after childbirth. To prevent smoking, alcohol etc addictions and help those who are addicted to their treatment,.