Documents : 66 Citation : h-index Kıbrıs Evli Seks Twitter Citation : h-index : 25 iindex : Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing muscle dysmorphia symptoms among Turkish gym goers: A pilot study. A Psychophysiological Study. Dynamics of retrospective timing: A big data approach. The prevalence and psychological relation of problem shopping: data from a large-scale sample from Turkey. Sex addiction in Turkey: A large-scale survey with a national community sample. Covid related anxiety levels ın physicians: a preliminary study. Measurement, prevalence, and psychological risk factors associated with addictive food consumption: Development of a new food addiction scale and evidence from a national largescale sample. Substance use and its risk factors in Turkey: a nationally representative sample study. Psychological factors associated with smoking and quitting: addiction map of Turkey study. Denial of pregnancy. The impact of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on executive functioning of drug-free patients with treatment-resistant depression. Seasonal mood changes in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder. Sleep related eating disorder: Importance of prebariatric evaluation—A case report. Late onset mania secondary to stroke: a case report. Artificial intelligence approach to classify unipolar and bipolar depressive disorders. Kronik rezidüel şizofrenide EEG kompleksitesi ve frekansı. Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy for Clozapine. EEG complexity and frequency in chronic residual schizophrenia. To stop or not to stop? Combined use of valproate and electroconvulsive treatment. A futuristic approach to psychiatric diagnosis. A hybrid artificial intelligence method to classify trichotillomania and obsessive compulsive disorder. The phenomenology of delusions in a patient with disorders of sex development. Combining transcranial magnetic stimulation and cognitive-behavioral therapy in treatment resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sertraline induced galactorrhea. The relationship of psychological trauma with trichotillomania and skin picking. EEG power, cordance and coherence differences between unipolar and bipolar depression. Therapeutic drug monitoring: perspectives of psychiatrists in Turkey. Transcranial magnetic stimulation during pregnancy. Evaluation of the efficacy of the continuation electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Influence of valproate on the required dose of propofol for anesthesia during electroconvulsive therapy of bipolar affective disorder patients. Effect of valproate on the plasma concentrations of aripiprazole in bipolar patients. Decreased mean platelet volume in panic disorder. Transcranial direct current stimulation in a patient with Kıbrıs Evli Seks Twitter disorder manic episode. Aripirazole augmentation in clozapine-associated obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia. Seizure in a patient receiving transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment. Transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating depression in elderly patients. Hypomanic shift observed during rTMS treatment of patients with unipolar depressive disorder: four case reports. Efficacy of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment resistant depression. Predictors of posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents. Memory and prefrontal functions in earthquake survivors differences between current and past post traumatic stress disorder patients.
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