Keywords: Children of sleep disturbance, fibromiyalgia, maternal diagnosis of fibromiyalgia, sleep quality. Objectives: This study aimed to determine whether maternal diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome FMS affects the sleep quality of children. Patients and methods: This prospective study was conducted with 80 female participants mean age: The FMS group Why Do You Get Sleepy After Sex 40 female FMS patients and their children, whereas the control group consisted of 40 healthy females and their children. The CSHQ score of the two groups was above 41 points and was at a clinically significant level. The median value for the CSHQ score was Sleep time, waking up at night, parasomnias, disrupted breathing during sleep, and sleepiness scores were higher in the FMS group than in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant p Conclusion: This pilot study showed that the children of mothers with high Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire scores had sleep disorders. Maternal diagnosis of FMS negatively affects the sleep quality of children. Fibromyalgia syndrome FMS is a complex disorder with widespread chronic pain, tenderness, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and nonrestorative sleep. It is the third most common musculoskeletal disorder after back pain and osteoarthritis. Although the pathogenesis of FMS is not fully understood, hypotheses such as genetic predisposition, stressful life events, and peripheral and central mechanisms are considered. FMS causes disability and functional limitations in daily life together with depression and anxiety. Furthermore, mothers were reported to have more influence on children's pain and emotional regulation than fathers. When objective assessments are made, these patients have lower sleep efficiency and quality in addition to light sleep, short sleep duration, and longer wake-up times. Such patients also have more difficulties in beginning sleep when subjective assessments are performed. Sleep difficulties in FMS seem to be more prevalent when subjective assessments are performed rather than objective ones. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the sleep quality of the children with a maternal diagnosis of FMS and compare the results with a group of healthy subjects. The prospective study was conducted with 80 female participants mean age: The age and sex of children were similar between the groups. The demographic data and educational status of all mothers and children were recorded in the sociodemographic information form. After the FMS diagnosis of patients by a physiatrist, they were queried for inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. We used the revised criteria for the diagnosis of FMS. Mothers diagnosed with FMS were included in the study according to the criteria. A diagnosis of FMS does not exclude the presence of other clinically important illnesses. Exclusion criteria for mothers were as follows: age 9. One child was taken to be age-matched with the control group patients. The exclusion criteria for children were recurrent abdominal pain, headache, and presence of any chronic disease. Turkish validity and reliability adaptation of the survey was performed by Sarmer et al. Except for the sense of well-being, lower scores indicate improvement or being less affected by the disorder. FIQ is filled by the patient. Why Do You Get Sleepy After Sex maximum possible score for each subtitle is Thus, the total maximum score is They included children aged 4 to 10 years. The scale was retrospectively filled by the parents. Parents were asked to evaluate the child's sleep habits over the previous week. A total of 41 points is considered the cut-off point, and values above this are considered clinically significant. The scale consists of eight subunits as follows: bedtime resistance items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8delayed falling asleep item 2sleep duration items 9, 10, and 11sleep anxiety items 5, 7, 8, and 21night awakenings items 16, 24, and 25parasomnias items 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, and 23sleep breathing items 18, 19, and 20and sleepiness items 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and The 41 points acquired in total are accepted as the cut-off point, and values above these are considered clinically significant.
The relation between the demographic data of the mothers in the control group and the CSHQ scores of their children. Copyright - Prof. In our study, the reduced sleep efficiency compared with the study conducted by Prado et al. Bizimle Para Kazanın. Rheumatology Oxford.
Sex in Pregnancy
This study was designed to assess sleep quality among individuals who were at least 1 year smoking free versus individuals who failed to quit. The main objective of our research is to study of the pre-treatment and post-treatment anxiety, depression, sleep and sexual function levels in. This pilot study showed that the children of mothers with high Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire scores had sleep disorders. With these animal studies and studies with postmenopausal women, we concluded that estrogen should have a role in the regulation of sleep and.Determinants of mortality in systemic sclerosis: a focused review. The effect of sexual health education on sexual activity, sexual quality of life, and sexual violence in pregnancy: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Sexual function in female patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep parameters were evaluated between the groups. Conflict of Interest: Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Cilt Sleep Breath. Secondly, the study excluded severe SSc patients with multi-organ involvement whose PSG test could not be performed. Conclusion: According to the findings of our study, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction and sleep disorders in patients with breast cancer are far more explicit in the pre-treatment phase than post-treatment phase. Bizi Sosyal Medyada Takip Edin. In pregnant women with vaginal microbial discharge; Microorganisms may be transported into the uterus and cause preterm labor. Arch Gynecol Obstet. Different results might be associated with distinct clinical features of patients in these studies. In a meta-analysis examining the prevalence of depression in patients with FM, it was concluded that depression was observed with a high frequency in patients with FM and this condition was associated with poor clinical outcomes. A hundred women with fibromyalgia with a mean age of The clinical data of patients were obtained from the patient files. For this, a line of 10 cm long is drawn and divided into intervals each measuring 10 mm wide. Ejovoc Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges ; 1 1. The age and sex of children were similar between the groups. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır. Hypersomnia or insomnia symptoms were detected in 45 patients. The research was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive study. The level of significance was set at p Maternal age, education status, mother's employment status, children's age, sex, and the education of the study group and the control group are shown in Table 1. İlker Ünal 5. Cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea. Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Linkedin. Evaluatıon of the effect of menopausal complaınts and menopausal attıtudes of clımacterıc women on the qualıty of sex lıfe. Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea OSA syndrome is characterized by recurrent upper airway obstructions during sleep. Sleep quality and fatigue in pregnant women. Size Yardımcı Olalım.