In both the Western and Turkish historiography there has been a ten- dency to give short shrift to Turkish-Italian relations in the s. Insufficient attention was paid to tire subject and consequently tire impor- tance of ffie relations between Fascist Italy atrd Kemalist Turkey was somew- Irat downplayed. Several reasons may be at tire roots of this lack of care. Historians, past and present, Irave rather had some difficulty in taking the Fascist Italy seriously. Since Italian fascism at tinres has acqtrired tire semblance of near-innocence, an impression deriving in part from the con- trast with tire more vicious regime of tire Tlrird Reich and itr part from the temptation to dismiss Benito Mtrssolitri as mere buffoon. The newsreel image of Italians surrendering by their thousands dir ring the military operations of the Secorrd World War is dramatically imperfect; but tire impressiorr still re- mains and it inhibits efforts to reassess the historical significance of Fascist Italy. Long years of extensive research have failed to reveal a single scholarly monograph, or evert an article ill periodical literature, orr the theme of Fascist Italy's 'marc nostrum' our sea policy and Turkey. Neither Turk rtor Westerner has devoted ntore than a few pages to tire nratter mtder focus here. Moreover, much of what tltey have said about it is superficial arrd ilta- dequate. This paper is an attempt to fill this void and it intends to make a contribution to a better understanding of art importam bur long neglected topic by trying to argue that tlrere was, indeed, something more serious in Fascist Italy's 'mare nostrum' policy titan is generally acknowledge! Italy was poor in raw materials and densely populated, a factor wlticln was ntade more evident by tire restriction of emigration and Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie extraordinary rise in the birth rate as a result of Fascist propaganda. The Italians began to feel uncomfortable within their frontiers. Fascism Itad made Italy into Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie mili- tary power, allowing the Dice to put his expansionist policy into practice. In this, reasons of prestige for the Italian leader were certainly important, as was the failure to fulfil, according to Rome, the promises of territory made to it to persuade it to enter the war against its former allies. Mussolini was dre- aming of capturing a colonial empire for his country[ 1 ]. The principle which underlay the 'mare nostium' policy of Mussolini could be called Machiavellian. The basis of that attitude was drat in great ti- mes and in great issues it was impossible for statesmen to feel themselves bo- und by the ordinary canons of morality. Mussolini believed that he was living in those great days, and he in particular inteirded to recreate, so far as pos- sible, the old structure of the Roman Empire and in the circumstances any method which secured that result was justifiable. From it was known in the eastern Mediterranean that Italy was preparing for an imperialist adventure; only tire poim of attack was tmcer- tain. Therefore from this date onwards relations between Ankara and Rome had gradually deteriorated. Turkish - Italian trade had not developed accor- dirrg to expectatiorrs. The agreement of the limits of territorial waters around the island of Castelrosso in had remained an isolated instance of mtrtual trust[ 2 ]. From Turkey was beginning to follow a more active foreign policy. There is little doubt that this resulted from a quickening appreciation of ex- ternal threats and tire most immediate menace was Italy. It was no coinci- dence that the active phase in Turkisln policy began at the same time as tine Italians started to appear menacing. Italy became the principal factor in Turkey's foreign policy and the government began to try to diversify its dip- lomatic relations. It was primarily against Italy that Turkey concluded its alii- ance with Greece and began to play a prominent part in the League of Nations and led its soutlneastern European neiglnbours in tine formation of tine Balkan Pact. It was also with the Italian threat in nnind that Turkey and Greece began to increase tine size of their fleets after Italy's intensive preparation fol' war witln Ethiopia created a tense and alarming atmosphere in Turkey. The Italian threat and Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie British opposition to a regional Mediterranean Pact enhanced die feeling of insecurity in Ankara[ 3 ]. Local symbol of the Italian threat was the Dodecanese Islands which Italy began to fortify in contrary to agreement. Italy reinforced its garrisons in the Dodecanese and turned these islands into a sort of rear base. So long as Italy spoke or thought in terms of its destiny in the Mediterranean, Turkey remembered that the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea belonged to Italy and that the heavy fortifications in the aero-naval base at Leros were aimed against naval communications to and from the Mediterranean. It was clear that the purpose of an air and sea base in the Dodecanese was either to attack western Anatolia or to disrupt sea traffic in the eastern Mediterranean. The use of these islands would depend to a large extent upon die naval balance in this part of the Mediterranean. The government of Rome also laid claim to other islands situated close to the Turkish mainland and made striking allusions to its special interests and plans in the East. Italy's excuses that die Leros fortifications were aimed at Russia were accepted with reservations. Turkey did not like the presence of Italian guns and airmen in the twelve islands Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie the Dodecanese, most of which lay within sight of its shore.
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