The summit is a business platform that creates a unique opportunity to align industry experts with the latest trends Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Escort Twitter plays a role in the current LNG market. If one is in the industry, he is well aware that the demand will keep on growing. Since LNG is a substitute to intermediate fuel oil, gasoil and diesel in transport, the market is expected to grow rapidly and the possibilities are wide as the horizon. The first ones to take action are those in areas that have emission control — they took a step forward and started to develop the LNG market. In other areas LNG is also used and the tendency to use it as a marine fuel is spreading globally. At this moment, it is predicted that the Chinese will have the most influence in global LNG market growth. Undoubtedly, the best outcome is to come for those industry players that are involved in every stage of the LNG value chain. They find the fields, extract gas, liquefy and ship it, then return the LNG back to gas and distribute to end users. Global demand could increase from about million tonnes per annum mtpa to around mtpa in Of course, this tremendous growth of LNG market will lead to new projects. It will result in new technologies and new infrastructures will be built. At this moment, oil and gas companies as well as major players in maritime are taking the leading positions. But it is a good opportunity for others as well. How and will they use it — is up to them. In this date and time when everything is ever-changing, it is very important to be able to stop and take a minute to contemplate and discuss important matters. The International LNG Summit in Barcelona is a business platform that creates an opportunity to contemplate on important matters, engage in discussions, share knowledge, experience and even make new connections. Natural gas is not only a major source of energy, it is also the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon. Thus, it is widely used all over the world. LNG is moving forward every day and by doing so it plays a bigger role in the energy mix. What are the prognosis? The question is: what opportunities does it offer? As we are living in ever-changing times and new legislations and regulations are issued, economic and political matters are always changing and new technologies emerge, it is important to be able to look at the bigger picture and evaluate the global situation. It is said that now shipowners and small-scale LNG suppliers are taking the leading role in this market growth, Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Escort Twitter who knows the future? Most of us are well aware that LNG is widely used as a fuel for all types of vessels, but what is not so widely known, is that it could also be used in aeronautics. The submarine is designed to explore the depths of the hydrocarbon rich seas on the Saturn moon Titan. During the event, the team hopes to infuse technology from the LNG community into the current design, since it relates to pumps, compressors, liquid purification and separation systems. An experienced team of professional event organizers — Wisdom Events — takes pride in uniting major industry companies and global leaders from around the globe. Global leaders are meeting in Barcelona to share their knowledge, experience and insights. The sunny Barcelona will host this exceptional business event at the end of April — on the 24thth. The first day of the event will carry on a tradition to honor industry leaders and major companies for their exclusive ideas, innovative, sustainable projects and best initiatives. This results in encouraging other leading companies and organizations to think green, search for environmentally friendly solutions and develop innovations. Honorable Nominees will be announced at the end of March. Being nominated for this Award signifies being valued by other companies, best professionals and market analysts in the industry. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Escort Twitter next time I comment. By ogrepublic On Feb 8,
Electrónica E. Ciencias Agrarias E. In this date and time when everything is ever-changing, it is very important to be able to stop and take a minute to contemplate and discuss important matters. Ingeniería Agroindustrial Ciencias de Ingenieria E. Of course, this tremendous growth of LNG market will lead to new projects. Por esta razón, la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica quiso expresar su reconocimiento y saludo a sus colaboradores, personal administrativo y docentes en un evento realizado este viernes en la Sala de Videoconferencia.
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